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“People think focus means saying yes to the thing you’ve got to focus on. But that’s not what it means at all. It means saying no to the hundred other good ideas.”
– Steve Jobs, Apple
Welcome to weekly newsletter by In this newsletter we are focusing on the 5 blogs on Product management. Read to get a roller coaster ride of expert’s journey and their ideas. See how they micromanage their big problems and know about their smart solutions. So let’s begin.
Managing Product = Managing Tension by Marc Abraham
“In my book, Managing Product = Managing Tension, I’ve focused on what it is that impacts the products we build and how we manage them, namely; mind, matter, and moves. Each of these factors in their own right creates tension and in the book, I outline how we can make the most of these tensions to create great products.”
Reduce your Time to <Anything> by Julee Everett
“Interested in increasing team empowerment and decreasing or eliminating handoffs?
Need a way to ‘see’ the work and improve flow and organizational design?
Want to align a leadership team by improving the flow of value across divisions or organizations?
Value Stream Mapping can be a powerful tool to improve planning, performance, and organizational design. It’s not just for manufacturing; it can bring clarity and insight to any workflow, service, or process. Unlike process flows, value stream mapping visualizes where the wait, waste, and redundancies are.
Being Customer Focused by Sarela Bliman
“Product managers should be customer focused, yet most are internally focused-- and not by choice. You have probably faced these situations yourself, when you want to be more strategic, but like many product managers you are caught up in tackling the latest issue/ bug/ release planning. How did this come to be the de facto state of product management? "
Yes, Product Managers Should Project Manage by Victor Wu
“It’s a truism that product managers should not be project managers. They are different disciplines requiring different skill sets. But practically, as a product manager, you probably do at least some minimum amount of project management in your daily work, perhaps even to your frustration and dissatisfaction! In this article, I address this apparent dissonance, and give a framework for project managing, as a product manager. "
What Is The Most Underrated Product Management Skill? by Ellen Merryweather
“The skills needed by good Product Managers are of course linked to what Product Managers have to do day to day. And there are some very typical skills that you’re likely to see on a job posting, or be asked about in an interview. These are the skills everyone knows and loves.
To work in the tech industry, you need a certain level of technical skills. Depending on the company, you may or may not need a CS degree. To work at places like Google and Apple, you’ll most likely need formal education in software engineering, or a proven track record of working at a highly technical level.”