Product Cafe: Garage startups ➡️ Global startups
Hey everyone!
Welcome to this week's edition of Product Cafe. Every week, we curate everything interesting around product management and send it right into your inbox 📩
Product Good Read 📖
Growth Loops ➿
Good friends, good food, and Good times. This was written on the wall of one of my favorite cafes in Bangalore. The Covid has changed the way we work, and this is where I end up working a lot of times. I should say this; it's such a beautiful place. The double espresso, the rusted textured wall, the tall chairs, everything so right in place. Wait, I am digressing a lot.
So, coming back, the first time, I went to the cafe and loved everything about it. The next time, I took a couple of my friends, and they enjoyed it as well. Product Growth loops are similar to this - For instance, XYZ is a great tool. I use it to manage tasks at work and find it valuable. I invite my colleagues, and they will start using it too. Do you see how one user gets turned into many?
Here are a couple of interesting reads for anyone who wants to dive deep into Product growth loops.
Growth Loops and where to find them by Deepak Singh
Growth Loops are the new funnels by Brian Balfour, Reforge
Curated lists ✨
1. Blitzscaling: The Lightning-fast path to building massively valuable companies
From Apple to Google, Intel, and a lot more, Silicon Valley has seen many successful businesses. So what is their secret potion to go from garage startups to global startups? Hoffman and Yeh, the author of Blitzscaling, explain that they've all learned how to blitz scale.

Featuring case studies from numerous prominent tech businesses such as AirBnB and WeChat, this book offers a specific set of practices for catalyzing and managing dizzying growth in bourgeoning startups.
Read the summary here —> Blitzscaling: The Lightning-fast path to building massively valuable companies
2. Justify Your Product Decisions and get Stakeholder Buy-in
As Product Managers, we typically advocate for our own point of view in meetings with stakeholders and find it a little difficult to resist suggestions for change.
In this video, Teresa Torres, A Product discovery coach, shares her insights on how product managers can co-create solutions with stakeholders and better manage expectations.
Watch the video here —> Justify Your Product Decisions and get Stakeholder Buy-in
3. Comparing the top five prioritization methods
No one is an exception to wanting to produce the desired outcome. But, it's not always the case, right? Most of the time, we end up spending time and effort on things that are not necessary. So, how do we make sure we focus on the right things? Prioritization! Flow Bohl, A design thinker, and a product manager at BloombergNEF, talks about five popular prioritization methods and his view of their usefulness in varying situations.
Read the article here —> Comparing the top five prioritization methods
4. How to design products that delight your users?
In this week's listening section, we have an episode from ProductHunt Radio. Ethan Eismann, VP of design at Slack, talks about designing a product that delights your users.
What's inside?
The design philosophy at Slack and how they use hypotheses in designing their products.
Customer-centric design and what it means to communicate energy as well as information.
Listen to the episode here —> How to design products that delight your users?
Top pick from our collection 🔥
Diverse groups of customers are out there in the real world, with a wide range of requirements. Some of them are more vocalized than others for their needs, while some demand features that don’t follow your product roadmap.
This article will help you build a solid approach to managing customer input and staying on top of your game.
Job Board 💻
MobStac is looking for a Product Manager with 3-5+ years of experience to be the founding member of the Product Management team.
Intuit is hiring a Group Product Manager in QuickBooks Commerce with 10+ years of experience.
Mastercard is looking for a Senior Product Manager with a strong understanding and experience in the Payments and Cards business.
Other helpful resources 🚀
1. Roadmaps: Break the rules without breaking the principles
2. Books that have made a better (Product Person)
3. A holistic approach for a Product manager’s feature analysis
With that, we have come to the end. Hope you enjoyed this week’s dose of Product Cafe. Till next week,